Woman loses it when donkey presses his face against her car window to get her attention
When he started smiling I lost it too! πŸ˜‚
Rebecca Reid

Donkeys just make the world a better place.

In a viral video, a woman is greeted by a rather friendly donkey who stares longingly into her passenger side window. Is the adorable donkey hoping for a little crumb of food or maybe a pat? We aren’t quite sure but we can confirm that he is definitely the comedian among his herd. He presses his fuzzy snout on her window and waits for a response.

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

“I just can’t get away…he’s like ‘can you roll down the window please’?” the woman says while laughing. – YouTube – BVIRAL

Well, he wants something but the woman doesn’t know because she is too busy laughing at her four-legged visitor. At one point he looks as if he is trying to open the window with his snout. He continues to move his head in all directions hoping she catches on soon.

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

‘Maybe if I smile she will let me in.’

The woman keeps filming her wild encounter with the donkey who stubbornly refuses to leave. She can be heard giggling in the video and then completely loses it when the donkey presses his face against the window. And just like that, the donkey is sporting a huge grin.

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

This donkey knows he’s funny.

The donkey’s ears are moving and twitching as if listening to the woman laugh. If he wanted to make an impression, his smile did the trick. The woman is overcome with laughter and the moment is priceless. He may be thinking that she is finally getting the message.

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

Everyone is in love with this donkey’s cheeky grin.

One commenter wrote, “He could do toothpaste commercials,” while another said, “Smart donkey, he’s smiling for snacks.” You can’t blame anyone for giving this guy some snacks from their car window. He is too adorable to pass up and knows just how to work the crowd. I mean just look at that face.

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

Donkeys have always been a much-beloved animal.

‘Donkeys, also called burros and asses, are found throughout the world. They are members of the Equidae family, which also includes horses and zebras. They look a lot like their cousins, but have long, floppy ears and tend to be stockier than horses or zebras.’ –

Donkeys have all the charm.

There is something very charming about their floppy ears and sweet face. They are super social animals and live in groups called a herd. The leader of their herd is called a jack, which is a male donkey and consists of several females called jennets or jennies. –

The donkey’s visit has us all smiling.

He may be the one smiling in the video but people all over the world are smiling right back at him. Animals know just how to cheer us up and remind us to laugh. Now, will someone please get this donkey some snacks!?

YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL
YouTube screenshot - BVIRAL

Now watch this adorable video of a donkey greeting a woman through her car window.

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